Sunday, April 17, 2011


It's not about strength
because no amount of muscle is needed to achieve it

It's not about intelligence
you can read a thousand books and still miss it

It's not about bravery
as you can do it as your heart pounds with fear

It's about integrity, dedication, and commitment
knowing the biggest wall in front of you is disbelief
and fully comprehending the gravity of the task ahead
not cutting corners even where its accepted
when your goal is unbelievably distant
yet you still put one foot in front of the other

It's about going on
when no one would blame you for stopping
walking steadily into the maw of defeat
without trepidation, or resignation
when all of hope is not lost
because there was never hope to be had

Those who can will be the ones remembered
not Alan and Sally in administration
who were too worried about the risks
to consider it anything other than a lost cause

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